The Journey is the Destination
This was the first book collection of journals created by Dan Eledon published by Chronicle. It is comprised solely of Dan's journals with early samples from his time growing up in Kenya, to a travelogues from a well building expedition to Mozambique, dairies from exploration in Morocco and Asia, and finally photographs from his work as a journalist during the conflict in Somalia which eventually claimed his life.
Jennifer New explores Dan's life in this hard bound biography which is accented with more artwork from Dan's journals.
A recent publication with more art and details about Dan's life.
A collection of Peter Beard's art books, which detail life in Kenya surrounded by wild animals, and his life with famous family members, friends and historical figures, including the Kennedys, Isek Dinesen, the Rolling Stones, Truman Capote, and others.
A drawing prompt book by my college professor, which includes exercises suggesting approaches to drawing, ways to flex the creative muscle and how to translate what you see to paper.
Also by my college professor, this book is a collection of her drawings on September 11, 2001. She was downtown when the towers began to fall. As a trained artist like a samurai, her first instinct was to draw. These drawings are the only ones of their kind, and an incredible documentation of that time.
This film about Vogue editor, Diane Vreeland is a fantastic bio picture. Love her or hate her, viewing will inspire creativity and freedom of expression.

Fantastic drawings and notes by Wendy MacNaughton